Monday 28 February 2011

My Work and Me.

I thought I would begin by posting a few examples of my work:

Climate Change and Flooding

This first piece was a response to the ongoing debate on climate change, with particular reference to the melting of the ice caps. I wanted to produce an illustration which highlighted the impact this would have on us much closer to home, as rising sea levels would cause widespread flooding

Acting Wisely

Looking after your assets

This piece was created as a response to the Lloyds tsb Art of Nurture competition title "We Act Wisely." I wanted to create something based on the use of piggybank and then twist the idea further. In the image, the farmer cares for his pigs. The more he cares for them the more they grow, enabling him to sell them at a later stage and make his living, making them almost like living piggybanks. 

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