Friday 15 April 2011

My Silly Dog

"Come back!"

I've been wanting to have a go at drawing some cool animals for awhile, and have had this idea floating in my head for some days. The dog reminds me of my friend's sister's naughty springer spaniel. I used real scanned-in hair for the fur of the cat and dog. 

In other news, a piece of work I submitted for the Healthcare and Bioscience inet Art Competition  way back in January will go up in Biocity, Nottingham on May 3rd. 
The competition asked for a piece of art interpreting a bioscience or healthcare theme. The focus of my piece was how we can help to prevent Dementia through regular walking, with my  illustration emphasising the positive effects gentle exercise has on the brain. I chose to present this serious and still slightly taboo'd theme in a more accessible way, hopefully allowing people to feel more comfortable discussing the issue. 

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